Friday, February 20, 2009

Bakmi Ayam Jamur + Kuah + pangsit goreng..enak..enak..enak...

Laki gw seneng banget kalo gw masak ini, apa lagi ama krius2 nya pangsit goreng...

abis disini ga ada abang2 lewat jual mie ayam...hehhehehe...

Bahan 2 dan Cara membuat nya:

1. Mie china / mie telor
( Masak air dalam panci dan beri sedikit minyak goreng, rebus mie, tiriskan, lalu beri kecap manis sesuai selera/ sampai kecoklatan)

1 ikat sawi / pak choy ( aku pake pak choy )
( potong2 lalu rebus sebentar )

1/2 ekor ayam
( rebus ayam dan kuahnya jangan dibuang, lalu daging ayam disuir2 atau potong dadu )

100 gr Jamur ( potong2 )

3 siung bawang merah besar ( iris tipis lalu goreng, untuk taburan diatas mie )

Bahan untuk tumisan daging ayam:

Jamur yang telah dipotong2
4 siung bawang putih ( haluskan )
1 sdt merica bubuk
2 sdm kecap manis
2 sdm saos tiram
2 sdm minyak ikan
garam secukupnya
minyak untuk menumis

Bahan kuah:
1 ikat daun bawang ( iris2 )
Kaldu ayam ( air dari rebusan ayam )
1 maggie block rasa ayam
1 sdt merica bubuk
2 siung bawang putih memarkan
2 sdm minyak goreng
garam dan gula pasir sesuai selera

Cara membuat nya :

1. Tumisan ayam:
Panaskan minyak, lalu masukan bawang putih, tumis hingga harum, lalu masukan merica, ayam suir,jamur dan bahan2 yang lain. Masak hingga semua matang.

2. Kuah :
Panaskan minyak goreng lalu tumis bawang putih hingga harum lalu masukan kaldu ayam, maggie block, garam gula dan merica, jika sudah mendidih masukan potongan daun bawang dan matikan apinya.

3. Penyajian :

Taruh mie dalam mangkok, lalu sawi, dan tumisan daging ayam, lalu beri taburan bawang goreng. bisa ditambah dengan pangsit goreng. dan siapkan mangkok kecil lain untuk kuahnya.

Valentine Cake

Ceritanya pas Valentine kemarin aku bikin cake untuk bojo ku. Just for make our love is more strong and strong... hehhehe.. begini deh jadinya nih. double Layered chocolate cake...
Ingredient 1 :
83 gr dark chocolate ( choped)
180 ml hot coffee
Dry ingredientes:
175 gr flour
300 gr sugar
60 gr unsweetened cocoa powder
1/2 tsp baking powder
1 tsp baking soda
1/2 tsp salt
2 eggs
90 ml vegetable oil
180 gr buttermilk
1 tsp vanila essence
Ingredients 2:
85 gr dark chocolate ( choped )
85 gr milk chocolate ( choped )
225 gr creme fraiche
2 tsp vanila essence
How to make: prehate the oven 150 C
1. Add chocolate into a bowl and pour over hot coffee. whisk until chocolate totaly melted.
2. combaine all dry ingredients: Put into bowl all dry ingredients, flour,sugar,cocoa,salt,bakingsoda, baking powder, and whisk together.
3. Combaine wet ingredients:
Put eggs into the mixer,whisk them until fluffy. and add oil litle by little, then mixer until they are totaly mix and add buttermilk, vanila essence, and pour coffee,chocolote liquid. Slowly mixer and add dry ingredients little by little with a spoon. ( you dont want all flour make your face dirty toch..hehhehhe ), allow to mix until just combined.
4. Remove from the mixer and pour into a 2 cake tins.
5. transfer into the oven about 60 menit in 150 C or unti done.
6. Remove from oven and let them cool.
make the frosting:
1. Put bowl into heated saucepan filled with one third of water
2. add dark and milk chocolate , stir until they are melted, then add creme fraiche,vanila and salt. Mix all with spatula until good combined.
3. Remove pan from the heat.
4. let them cool before using the frosting
5. Using spatula for pour some frosting over one of cake, next place 2nd cake upside down over 1st cake. Finaly spread reamining frosting over top and side of cake.
6. Your cake is ready...

Thursday, February 19, 2009

strawberry ice cream

I already make it this ice cream 3 days ago. I looking in my fridge there is have strawberry from valentine day. So I just thinking i wanna make strawberry ice cream. I dont have ice cream maker.. I just put my ice cream in the freezer for 8 hour then ice cream is ready. The taste also lekker.

This is the ingredients:

140 gr fresh strawberries ( blender )

THis is basic custard ice cream
2 egg yolks

60 gr caster sugar

300 ml single cream

How to make:

1. Washed 140 gr fresh strawberries and blender ( make strawberry puree )

2. Wishk egg yolks , mix with single cream and sugar into the pan.

3. whisk together and heat this on medium heat , stir frequently,until mixture and boil.

4. Put custard into the jug , and leave it cool.

5. when mixture is cool add strawberry puree, stir until good combined.

6. Transfer to special box for ice cream. then put in freezer.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Mosselen / Kerang

This is recepten van moeder in law... smaak is lekker !!!

Kerang / Mossellen

How to cook mosselen / kerang??

that very easy...

only 10 minut and mosselen ready !!!

This is the ingredients:

2 Kg mosselen / kerang
5 wortel
1 prei

pepper and salt

How to Cook :

1. Cutting wortel, prei and seledri into small slice

2. Bring some of vegetable into the pan and add mosselen.

3. just add some vegetable then mosselen then vegetable then mosselen , the last is vegetable and add pepper and salt for taste

4. cook mosselen about 10 minut until boil. and throw away water from mosselen adn ready to eat.
Ready to eat
Serve with : Bread, mayonaise, mossellen saus, knooflok saus or saus sambal.

tips: dont put water on pan!!!


Cara mudah membuat kaastengels dirumah dan ga ribet. Juga ga makan waktu banyak.
Ceritanya Waktu aku mau pindah ke belanda aku di kasih satu toples kaastengels dari temanku febe di bali. Rasa nya enak dan aku minta resep nya dari dia. dan ini nih hasil nya...mak kriussssssss...

Bahan :

250 gr butter
350 gr tepung terigu
150 gr keju edam parut ( goude kaas )
75 gr keju cheddar parut ( u hiasan )
1 kuning telur ( u olesan )

Cara membuat :

1. Mixer butter sampai lembut, jangan terlalu lama, lalu masukkan keju parut, kocok lagi hingga tercampur rata.
2. Lalu masukan terigu , aduk dengan sendok kayu sampai rata
3. Uleni hingga adonan kalis / tidak lengket. dan Gunakan rolling kayu untuk meratakan adonan kira setebal 1 - 2 cm
4. lalu cetak sesuai selera
5. siapkan loyang yang telah diberi margarine dan panggang kaastengel yang telah diberi olessan telur dan taburan keju.
Panggang dalam oven 170 C selama kurang lebih 20 menit atau sampai berwarna kuning keemasan.

met nyoba...

Wednesday, February 4, 2009


Gisteren ik heb pizza gemist... daarom heb ik een pizza gemaakt. Wanner mijn liefje terug van het werk , pizza bijna klaar. Ruik lekker sayang... dat is hij hebt gezegd . hihihii...maar dat is altijd...hij maakt mij altijd blij. Dit is de recepten van mijn pizza...

Hoe to maken Pizza Dough

voor 2 personen

175 gr flour / tarwe bloem
1 tsp salt / 1 tl zout
1/2 tsp sugar / 1/2tl suiker
1 tsp yeast / 1 tl gist
1 tbsp olive oil / 1 el olive olie
120 ml warm water

1. Bring flour into the bowl, add salt, sugar,yeast, and combain well
2. Make hole in the center and add olive oil, warm water and combain well, and do quick final mix by hand this creates rough paste.
3. Continue knead dough for approx 5 minut use with your hand until forms a smooth ball
4. then transfer dough into the clean bowl and cover with towel or with cling film.
5. allow to rise about 2 hour til dough double size. When dough´s doubled its ready to roll

Dough into the bowl

Next step:

Sprinkle flat surface with some flour and place dough on top. Sprinkle with some flour into the dough. And with rolling wood , roll dough into circle, turn over and roll out the other side. Put flour in baking tray and put dough on tray.

dough on tray

Next Step:
Pizza Filling
75 gr Grated mozzarela
75 gr Grated oude cheese
30 ml olive oil
50 gr cherry tomatoes
75 gr mushrooms
1 tsp Garlic
salt and pepper
How to make:
Put a little oil into the pan, add mushrooms, season with salt and pepper. Add cherry tomatoes ,add rest oil and add garlic. Toast and remove from the heat. Transfer to the tray and allow to cool down.
( Never put hot toppings on pizza dough or heat might make dough tear )!!!!!!
Make the pizza :
preheat oven about 10 minut in 220 degree
Using a spoon tomato saus over dough, spread grated mozzarela on dough, top with mushrooms, tomatoes, paprika, and finishing with grated mozzarela on top.
Place pizza in the oven and bake about 15 minut in 220 degree. Remove pizza out the oven when is golden brown.
serve imedietly before pizza cold.
This is the pizza

This is the pizza
Upsss... 10 minut alles op!!! lekker man!!!

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

burger with turkije bread

Turkije brood burger

Ingredientens :

1 turkije brood
( turki bread)

4 burger beef
( beef burger)

4 plakken kaas
( chese )

8 blader sla
( leaf sla )

½ ui ( snijden )
( onion - chop )
1 tomato ( snijden )
Kumkumber ( snijeden )
( cumcumber )

Saus :

1 tbsp Mayonaise
1 tbsp Ketchup( tomato saus)
1 ts mustard
1 ts Peper and salt
Meng alle ( mix all )

Hoe te maken :

baken burger tot brown and Baken brood 2 minuten.
( fried burger till brown and bake bread 2 mnt )

smieren brood met saus ( put saus in bread)
leg groenten, kaas , and burger ( add sla, chese, burger on the bread)

voor 4 personeel

Perkedel kentang

Perkedel kentang


4 big Potato 4 grote aardapellen
2 eegs 2 eiren
Salt, peper zout, peper
2 leek 2 de prei
3 garlic 3 knooflok
100 gr beef 100 gr gehak
Oil ( for fried ) olie ( for frituren )

HOw to make :

1. Cook potato till smooth
( koken aardappelen tot zach )

2. mixer garlic with salt and pepper
( mix knooflok,zout en pepper)

3. cutting de prei ( snijden de prei )
4. mix all flavour to potato including eegs
( meng alle ingredienten met aardappel en eiren)

5. roller the mix potato like make a ball,
( rol de aardappel zoals bal)

6. Put in pan oil for fried potato of also can put in oven

7. before fried smiren with egg

Sambal goreng special

Cayene chili

Hete sambal

10 cayene chili
2 shallot

1 garlic

Salt, sugar
3 es palm sugar

1 lemon grass
1 ts nutmeg

2 ts terasi

3 leaf citroen

Hoe te maken:

Mixer all ingredienten without citroen leaf.
And fried with oil till brown, and put little bit water and cook with medium fire till tick and done.

Mixer alles ingredienten zonder citroen bladeren, en frituren tot beetje bruin. Put beetje water en kook met kleine vuur. Wachten tot water op


Risoles b4 fried

Kangen ma masakan indonesia, cemilan yang satu ini aku doyan banget di makan ma saus sambal or cabe rawit... waduh pokok e uenak rekkkkk...resep ini aku dapat asli dari kakak ku... dia itu jago banget bikin macam2 masakan...
Disini sebenarnya banyak toko2 yang jual risoles ..tapi rasanya itu loh ga banget deh.. udah mahal lagi..hahahha kalo di converse ma indo ( Rp), satu risoles harganya 16.000..hihihihihi...
jadi deh aku buat sendiri ampe 50 biji, trus aku taruh di freezer ..tahan deh ampe 1 bulan ...
nah ini nih resepnya...
For 15 pcs
Step 1: You will need
I just buy in supermarket for risoles skin. That easy and the taste ook lekker...
3 shallot
2 garlic
1 ts salt, peper, and sugar
2 ts nutmeg
1 maggie block ( if you like )
1 carrot (cut into small size)
1 potato ( cut into small size)
2 bunch onion ( cut into small size )
100 gr chicken fillet or beef ( blender of meat or you can also cut into very small size )
100 ml melk
1 tbsp flour
Step 2 :
for marinated
2 eggs
bread crumbs
Step 3:
Heat the wok on medium, add the oil. then fried garlic and shallot and fry until fragrant. Add the chicken or beef,till half way done add the carrots, potatoes and bunch onions, nutmeg,sugar,maggie block,salt and pepper,cook until they are just a bit tender. Sprinkle them with flour and stir until the flour mix troughly, add the milk and Cook until the filling nice and thick, but not to thick.
Step 4: Rolling risoles
1. Put 1 Tbsp Mixture in the risoles skin, fold and set aside. mix beaten egg and roll in bread crumbs.
2. keep in the fridge about 1 hour, for good taste or you can also fried immedietly.
3. cook with hot oil and serve with sambal saus or chilli
This food can stay longer till 1 month if you put in the freezer with special plastic bag or put in box special for freezer.
Let try... and enjoy!!!!

Monday, February 2, 2009

winter time

Lovely tijd

Welkom snieuw

Long Journey

Lonely hond

Mooi meisje

Winter time

Winter time

Chicken Nugget

To day i must going to hospital with my Man, and i think back home late. so i prepared for dinner in the affternoon. Then i think chicken nugget with french fries is some thing lekker to eat to nite. then im busy browsing in internet, and i find chicken nugget recept by femmy site. Thanks ya mba femmy. nih resepnya dah aku coba tapi sagunya aku ganti terigu. rasanya ga kalah tuh mah KFC of Mc D...

Then when we back home from hospital, we are realy hungry. coz brrrrrrrrrrrr..... rain and hard wind this week. so i just fried chicken nugget and french friesh serve with salad. and not forget sambal for me... dat is lekker...

15 minut dinner is klaar... en wij eten.

for 3 persons

1 Chicken fillet about 150gr, cut up into bite size pieces and blender )
1 eeg
1 tbsp flour
50 ml melk
pepper, salt, and sugar

For mixture:

1 egg

How to make:

  • stir all ingredients
  • Place nuggets on a cookie sheet in a single layer ( or just put in allumunium foil like make rollade ) and prehate oven about 5 minut in 200 degrees. bake at 200 degrees for 10 minutes.
  • let nuggets get little bit cold and cutting into bite size
  • Bring Chicken nugget in the eggs and then mix around in the bread crumbs micture
  • put in friedge over 1 hour. and ready for fried.